Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Conference with Green Hills Software

I recently gave a speech with Green Hills Software, Inc. in California. The presentation covered the real threat that businesses face as opposed to the theoretical threat that most people seem to worry more about. I also made it a point to uncover some of the more unorthodox attack methods that hackers use like the spreading of infected USB Sticks in parking lots or the use of rapid Distributed Metastasis.

Here are some articles that were written as a result of the conference:



  1. I so agree. I am managing a pentest team in France, and I am also fed up with all these pseudo security experts.

    They're just ripping their customers off, and also discrediting the job.

    Some of my (rich) customers even conducted comparative security assessments: the results ranged from "all's good!" to "many critical vulnerabilities" (which was our result).
    They hired us. But how many customers are actually aware of that... depressing.

    Christophe Kiciak

  2. This comment was meant for the fraudulent security experts post, not for the Green Hills Post.
